The Salt Guru
Responding to decades of negative press, the industry trade group for salt relaunched their thought leadership brand with a campaign to position food scientist Mortin Satin as an affable yet formidable spokesman for the benefits of salt.
Consult with Salt Institute subject matter experts and marketing leads to rethink the Salt Guru brand and develop a series of thought leadership assets to support ongoing public relations efforts. Aggregate existing collateral into a unified digital brand that doesn’t take itself too seriously.
358k+ owned impressions and 2k+ digital subscribers. Complemented other efforts like this interview on The Colbert Report that I didn’t work on but provides additional context for the Salt Guru campaign.
Produced, directed, written, and edited by Nathan Marsh. Art and Animation by Joel West. Narrated by Ed Weigle. Photography by Ryan Berry.
The Story of the Salt Guru